Why are bebomed products promicrobiome?

bebomed is promicrobiome and promotes and regenerates the skin’s microbiome.

The skin is the largest organ in humans and therefore also in babies. Like the digestive system, the skin has a special property: the skin is not only a living organ in itself. It also has its own microorganism culture, which is very individual for each person.

The skin microbiome

The skin's microorganism culture, known as the microbiome, is already developed in the womb. The placenta creates the breeding ground in the womb, and at birth the individual microbiome is shaped by the mother's vaginal microorganism structure. This is precisely why the mother's health and, in particular, a healthy lifestyle have a significant impact on the baby's healthy and stable skin.

According to the Federal Statistical Office, 221,709 caesarean sections were performed across Germany in 2019. This means that almost one in three children is currently born by caesarean section .

The baby's microbiome has an important task immediately after birth: it protects the baby from harmful pathogens in parallel with the skin's stratum corneum, which has yet to fully develop. The microbiome controls the skin's pH value, which can be a determining factor in skin irritations. The microbiome displaces harmful microbes before the body actually comes into contact with them.

The stratum corneum as the protective layer of the baby's skin and the microbiome as its protective covering of microbes complement each other optimally in their natural equilibrium and are in balance.

Promicrobiome properties of bebomed

bebomed medical baby care has a promicrobiome effect: it promotes and regenerates the microbiome, i.e. the natural microbial balance of the baby's skin.

This means that the bebomed biopolymer complex performs selective functions on the skin. The skin's natural microbes - preferably those of the Micrococcus genus - are actually not attacked by the pathogen-inhibiting properties of bebomed's medical baby care. bebomed products therefore have a selective promicrobiome mechanism through which only harmful microbes are repelled, but the skin's microbiome is preserved.

Protective function thanks to the bebomed mechanisms of action

In the event of environmental irritations that destabilize the infant's microbiome, the bebomed functional mechanisms permanently replace the microbiome's protective function of the baby's skin. For example, in the case of excessive hygiene/disinfection with alcoholic hygiene products: With the accompanying or post-regenerative use of bebomed, the skin is gradually regenerated with regular use and the normal balance of the skin with its microbiome is restored.

The basis is biomimetics

All bebomed formulations are pro-microbiome-compatible. This means that they do not change the baby's natural microbiome. The basis for this is biomimetics.

Biomimetics is the study of nature: biomimetic processes and mechanisms of action ideally replicate nature and are a blueprint of nature.

In relation to the skin, the stratum corneum (the horny layer of the skin) with its cell membrane complex (the skin's protective acid mantle) and the microbiome (the natural microbial balance as a protective cover) are the biomimetic focus. It is precisely these natural mechanisms that are replicated by the bebomed formulations.

The biomimetic mode of action of bebomed medical baby care is the basis of its sustainable effect, which does not have a permanent effect on the skin.

Without these skin-changing consequences, a significant problem of conventional acute therapies, such as the use of cortisone or alcoholic products, is solved: these change the balance of the skin and induce a completely different, unnatural skin appearance. Biomimetic effects, however, always lead back to the ideal, natural state of the skin and are therefore ideal for long-term use without side effects.

Pathogen-selective effect

The bebomed formulations – like the microbiome – are pathogen-selective: By using biomimetic, nature-based biopolymer complexes, the natural microorganism structure of the baby's skin is not attacked. However, pathogens that can harm the baby are.

Due to their pro-microbiome properties, bebomed formulations promote the conditions for a healthy microbiome in the baby: The breeding ground of the natural microbiome is the dermal membrane of the skin. Dead skin cells and the skin's protective acid mantle provide the nourishment for the microbiome. This breeding ground is not attacked by bebomed formulations in order not to stand in the way of the development of the baby's skin while simultaneously providing protection and regeneration.